Electric Car Parts Company
Specializing in Lithium Batteries, Chargers, Solar Storage
Intelligent Digital EV Battery Pack Monitor with Amp-Hour Counting Ammeter and Voltmeter
(x19) RED DISPLAY each in USA stock (No minimum order)
(x19) BLUE DISPLAY in USA stock (No minimum order)
China Stock Available (No minimum order)
This advanced ECPC404 Ammeter and Voltmeter digital battery pack monitor features a unique counting feature to measure the remaining capacity of your battery packs in amps, volts, and amphours. The ECPC404 constantly measures the current and sums up the total current usage over time to calculate the remaining capacity. The ECPC404 can be used to measure the capacity of and monitor any type of battery pack from 0 to 500V.
There are 2 ways to get an exact quote for the base shipping for your ECPC404 Ammeter and Voltmeter intelligent digital EV battery pack monitor with Amp-Hr counting order.
1. Contact us at (801) 566-5678 9am-5pm Monday-Friday or email [email protected] or go through our Contact Us page
2. Place your order by clicking in the shopping pallet “Proceed To Checkout”
a. Enter your information so we can get you a shipping quote
b. Select the “Shipping Method” of preference
c. Confirm the “Choose one payment method” has “Shipping Quote Request” selected
d. Click the “Check Out” button
e. You’ll receive a confirmation email of your request, as will we
We’ll research the exact shipping cost and send you an invoice to your PayPal or email or you can add it to your pallet in $1 Shipping Increments for your ECPC404 Ammeter and Voltmeter intelligent digital EV battery pack monitor with Amp-Hr counting order.
Si se encuentra en un país hispanohablante (América Latina / España) y desea comprar este producto, deberá ponerse en contacto con Reid. Es un proceso realmente simple que consiste en enviar información de envío (dirección y fecha de llegada deseada) @ [email protected].
Investigaremos el costo de envío exacto y le enviaremos una factura por su producto.
Quantity discounts show in the “Shopping Pallet”.
We love to meet or beat any competitor’s price!
Contact us with questions
9am-5pm Monday-Friday (mountain time)
(801) 566-5678
or email
[email protected]
or through our Contact Us page